Two runs

running with dogs trail running running Spain

Two runs on the same route, on two different weather days.

Been a while since I've been out for a run, let alone with the lass. Real life, pine processionary caterpillars and not an easy location to run from had delayed this.

Steep drop from the parking lot into the valley and across what might be a roaring river sometimes. Then back up on the other side.

Then we took the road up the hill towards Serra de la Gralla, instead of turning along GR 330. To create a loop back to the valley.

We popped up to Castell de Relleu, from the 12th century, before we stopped at bang on 5km.

paddy mountain flower valley mountain blossom

The next day we had nearly clear blue skies, even with the lower temperature it felt warmer. Also it opened up the views as there were no low hanging clouds.

This time we did the loop in the other direction, you have to spice things up, right?

On the run out we had a lose barking dog in and among the blossoming almond trees, so we needed to keep and eye out. Lucky it kept distance and didn't follow us and was gone on our return.

I had forgotten to charge my Tamagotchi aka smart watch, so did the run really happen? I do have photos, mind.

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