A request for Google to create maps for the best cycling routes in any particular area has been posted on their "Suggest It" page.

Let's try to make this a happen!

Here's how you can help:
-Go to http://maps.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=suggestions.cs
-Scroll down the list to the Route Information section
-Click the "Suggest It" button after the last choice
"Add bike trail information and biking directions".

B. Write to the discussion forums on Google

Some suggested talking points:

Bicycle Maps on Google will help locate safe and friendly streets for cyclists to plan their commutes.
More people will use the dedicated bike/ped facilities if they can map the in locations and connections.
Transit maps often indicate walking routes to and from terminals/stops - but not cycling routes, which vastly increases the range of travel for cyclists. Bicycle maps should be integrated with the transit maps.

This was taken from http://errcmagazine.com via touring.bikelist.org

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