moving house with bicycleI have had this trailer for around four years now and simply love it. It is a TW-Bent trailer which is pretty much the same as the BOB Yak trailer but is called Revolution Cargo Load Trailer and is from Edinburgh Bicycles Coop.

At time of publishing this post it is going at £149.99 though when I got it was £125 :) Which is more than half the price of the BOB Yak. though I haven't used the BOB I think that the Revolution Cargo Load Trailer does the job just as well.

It has been bashed to bits and is still going strong. I have used it for everything and still get some looks when I cycle around London with it.

It takes a bit of time to get used to as there is the extra length and weight low down, but I can't say it is anything different to starting to cycling with panniers. As you get used to cycling with both quite fast.

The only gripe I have with it, it is when you are trying to park your bicycle and trailer it is easy to forget that it is heavier and much longer. So it is not just "drop the bike here" before going into a shop, you soon discover that the back is in the way, blocking a doorway etc. Turning the bicycle and the trailer around takes a bit more space than you are used to, but again you soon learn.

Hooking it onto your bicycle is easy with the supplied QR skewer where you hook the trailer to. It takes a bit of time to get used to doing that with a loaded trailer and a rolling bicycle when you are on your own.

It states that it can take up to 35kg though I'm pretty sure that I have loaded more than that on to the trailer. As you can see in the picture above I used it when I moved house and I dragged it after my fixie on my tour in Denmark a few years back. and then there is the shopping.

The bag is a massive waterproof bag, like your Ortleib panniers. It is nearly bottomless - two weeks' shopping for two can easily be stuffed in there. The pest part is that you can fold the trailer up and put it into the bag and store it under your bed if space is a problem.

A fold-able bicycle trailer that you can't live without. Easy for cycle touring or home shopping or even a quick house move.

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