grandsonI vote for a name change for Isle of Wight to Isle of Tea. Because I have never seen so many tea rooms or cafes in such a small place. We only wandered around in Ryde and Newport and every second shop front was a place selling tea.

We went to IoW over the weekend to meet my best mate and his newly born grandson, congrats Bam Grand Dad :)

And the plan was that we would do a bit of cycling on the Sunday before heading back. But got woken up at at 7am by the wind and the rain knocking on our tent. I was hoping it would pass nice and early but it arrived at 7 and hung around until 12. We were dry until we had to get up to got outside.

The only minus there is with a tent is that you have to go outside to do the call of nature. Since we would get wet anyway we got up and packed in the rain. The best part was that it was still warm and we had a tail wind back to Ryde.

a bit of rain

Again we are lucky that the Ortleib's keep our stuff nice and dry, as we found a pub, where got changed and camped out while waiting for our ferry back.

Even with only spending a a short weekend and a very time on our bicycle, we are for sure coming back to IoW for some touring. Though the next time it would be summer as the island did look at bit boring in the fall rain.

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