Since the last pair of Saguaro died on me faster than I used them and that I didn't want to wear out my Forest Tracker ESC to fast. I needed a new pair of running shoes and how could I go wrong with two red pairs, as we all know red is faster.
So many reviews pointed to the Primus Trail from Vivo. The question was should I go for FG (Firm Ground) or SG (Soft Ground). But at £120+ for a new pair it was a bit too steep for me, especially when I do wear my shoes hard.
I went for VIVO since I had a great success with the Forest Tracker ESC and they fitted me well, so I was hopeful that the Primus Trail would too.
Here comes revivo to the rescue and by pure luck both the FG and SG of the Primus Trail in my size were available and at a combined price of just over £100.
I do enjoy both pairs, though the SG's opening is rather tight to get into, there's no traditional opening and tongue, more a slip on opening, but once on it is a very comfortable shoe to wear. That opening does feel a bit tight around my ankle and I can see a "pressure" mark when I take them off. I don't know if I went a size up, this would make the shoe easier to put on. This could be down to me also finding many socks very tight around the ankle area and have a pressure mark there when I take my socks off.
You can feel the extra beefier thread on the SG, especially if you don't use the insoles.
The FG got the tongue which I find a bit too short, it is rather hard to grab to adjust. Both shoes got these fast loop pull cord shoelaces things, what ever they are called, I do like them and the shoe can be easily adjusted. But what do you do with the slack. Old style laces you just tied another knot until you ran out of slack. Yes, you can tuck the end into the rest of the lace but it is not easy if you just got the lace tightness just right.
The FG did have a hole in one place in the upper, just where the fabric bends. This doesn't bother me and the rest of the shoe looked like it's never been worn. The SG doesn't look new and shinny, but there's no sign of wear bar a little wear on the laces.
Both of the Primus Trails got great grip, I tried them out on good old moorland in Lancashire. So anything from firm pack soil/peat, gravel paths, forest trail, grassy fields and limestone, both in wet and dry.
The great thing is that the are both very light and drains fast. Since I run on such varied terrain and routes, it is really hard to say which one is the pair to wear on a normal run.
But I think if it a nice dry and hot day, I'll put the Primus Tail SG on as they feel a bit lighter on the fabric side. Even if they got a bit more gripper sole, which I find a wee bit of an advanced on the dry and stony Spanish trails I run.
The Primus Trail FG even without the extra tread do grip very well and are a joy to run on the hard packed grassy moors, you know where the sheep have stomped a trail through the heather.
I've probably run 300+ miles in the FG and about 100 miles in the SG. And the soles aren't showing any wear. So it will be a while yet before I get a new second hand pair, crossing fingers. was created with Grav, Follow on Mastodon