Anne tells a lie in her book A bike ride, she doesn't cycle 12,000 miles around the world. She only cycles 11,552 miles around the world, but I too would round it to the nearest thousand if I ever managed what she did.
I only learned about this truly remarkable woman last year when she untimely died. At least it was in Syria doing what she loved, what a way to go.
Anne did something that was and still is totally unheard off as woman (in some countries), she travelled the world on her own and on a bicycle. And remember when she did her trip the world wasn't that much travelled as it is now. You couldn't just pop into a shop write an email or call over VoIP and ask for money.
The book is a joy to read and it tells her journey around the world where she among other things follow the Romans, Alexander and the Pony express across the world. Great history lessons and reminder of what I have leaned in school but happily forgot over the years. While reading about her hardships and low moments, she still manage to put a smile on your face. The stories that she tells about the people who she meet and the ones that she shared a meal with. No matter what you think the world is full of great and wonderful people and clearly a bicycle brings the best out of you.
If this middle age woman who was in her own words somewhat overweight and unfit, and without any idea of how to mend a puncture can cycle the world, you can cycle to the park and back.
The only gripe I have with this book is, why the heck isn't the world any bigger! Because then this journey for Anne would have lasted longer and therefore more for us to read in her book.
Her other books are for sure on my to read list.
If I only could give this 6 or more oinks. Yes this book doesn't go into the details about planing, what equipment to bring or what route to take from A to Z. But what it does it gives you an insight on what it is like out there alone touring and bucket load inspirations and lust do to more than a ride to Brighton one Sunday afternoon. I truly recommend this book even if you are not planing a tour of the world on a bicycle.
Link : Mrs Anne Mustoe
Link : Mrs Anne Mustoe - wiki was with Grav. woollypigs@mastodon