Off each

running with dogs trail running running Spain

Went to the beach for a run with both mutts, we all needed to get some miles in.

It went well until we met lose dogs.

Fair enough it's a public space and dogs are welcome on the beach. But if you are walking your dog there, keep it under control.

Not everyone is like me, someone who likes dogs a lot. And even if you are like me, you do mind if a random dog is running right up to you, with your dog or without a dog.

If I'm running or cycling I don't want to be - tripped over, kicking, stepping on or riding over - a random dog or have them jump up and hit me squarely in my "meat and two vegs".

Yes, maybe your dog is brilliant with other dogs, but how do you know that my dogs are good with other dogs or humans. Heck, I know people who are scared of other dogs, especially ones that they don't know, that might be running right at them.

paddy stick sand sans snifff rain

So please keep your dog on lead, especially if the recall is not spot on, running after your mutt shouting "Jesus Christ, Fenton!", ain't a good look.

Keep an eye on your mutt, not your phone or the person you are nattering too, because you will miss your dog pooping in a random location. Which will lead to me getting the "fecking, dog owner, who never picks up after their mutt" looks, because you are a lazy dog owner.

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