I updated woollypigs.com away from wordpress and also shifted to more write more about trail running and hiking with dogs. if you are looking for my old cycling and cycle touring related posts and blogs, they will be living here https://woollypigs.com/archive Yes stuff will be broken - missing images and broken links - which I will over time mend.
What next? Well, keep on running, I think.
I started early last year at total random to run, yes me who never saw the point of running, unless it was to beat the queue at the ice cream van.
I think my distain of running boils down to two things, firstly I had a bad knee that would moan if I rush...
I got a pair of Freet barefoot shoes, mainly because I needed a new pair of shoes and also that they were made locally in Yorkshire and from recycled materials.
I don't know how write this review without coming across negative. Please don't take it as a "diss" against these great shoes and the c...
I will annoy anyone who comes on a walk with me about these boots. I'm not even sorry about it, because the amount of joy they give me, the world needs to know.
You know that feeling, when you had your shoes or boots on for long time. And you are really looking forward to the time where you can ge...
Since the last pair of Saguaro died on me faster than I used them and that I didn't want to wear out my Forest Tracker ESC to fast. I needed a new pair of running shoes and how could I go wrong with two red pairs, as we all know red is faster.
So many reviews pointed to the Primus Trail from V...
It took a while to get my head around the barefoot vs barefeet discussion. If I got it right barefoot is simple, no constraint, light and no rise footwear. Barefeet is just bare feet not even socks.
So why did I end up here, well I used to walk everywhere in my hiking boots. Never got on with trai...
I saw the Saguaro shoes pop up in my daily internet crawl, not really sure how I ended up with them being offered to me. I got a feeling it was because I was looking at wild swimming at the time, as they are often advertised as swim shoes along with barefoot shoes.
Since I was looking at getting...
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