I don’t wear lycra but don’t mind some padding on my dear derriere. I wear a normal pair of shorts with some sort of padded shorts under, more like a under liner.
This is where the Kiwi company called Ground Effect comes in with their Underdogs shorts liner. They are pretty much liners for their cycling shorts but can be used with other shorts.
I got a pair two or so years ago, which were very good. But compared to the new Underdogs the fabric was rough, a bit like sandpaper. The hem on the thighs left a mark even after wearing them for a short while. Though the pad was nice and comfy even on long and sweaty rides.
The new version is simply bliss, so soft to the touch compared to the old. Though still a bit rough compared to say lycra or cotton. The hems at top and bottom are firm which hold the legs to you but do not leave a mark.
And there is pad, oh boy, I was a bit worried when I saw the “wings” on each side of the pad as it was very big compared to the old pad. But they are soooo comfortable. The wings/sides just hug your inner thighs and along with my Brooks B17 I have the most comfortable ride yet. The Softail Pad – 3D anatomical shaping, multi-level foam, rapid drying, seamless synthetic ‘chamois’ pad with anti-bacterial finish – just holds me bits in place and I really doubt that I ever will get any “nappy rash” while on long hot rides.
The pad could be a little bit longer at the front, but otherwise these are the best padded shorts I have used.
Even with Ground Effect being on the other side of the world for us, the delivery is very fast. Though the first time we ordered from them the Pound Sterling was very strong against the New Zealand Dollar, so the order was value for money. Even with the strong $NZ our last order was well worth it.
LINK: Ground Effect
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