... and back from Hautacam.

We set off at 9:30 with Rob (from Les Sorbiers), Richard (a guest at Les Sorbiers), Pingu, Mrs Pingu, Dave, Peli and me.


We had a great ride down the gorge into the head wind which were nice to know since we would be heading backup the gorge again later. We joined the Voie Verte which pretty much took us to the start of Hautacam.


We had a little crash, Dave not seeing Peli where she was standing, then a ginger moment. Since Peli wasn't feeling all ok and we have a massive ride booking in for tomorrow. Peli and me headed back. The others headed back up the Hautacam, will report back about how far they managed.

UPdate: They all managed it all the way up and the cafe was open so they all got fed up there.


We then went up the gorge, with the tail wind :) and did a little detour to the Chateau de Luz. Which was a bit interesting for Peli to walk up to in her cleats, though not such a big problem with me and my very warm Lakes.


After a little rest where we enjoyed the view both up the Tourmalet and over Luz we headed back up the very warm Tourmalet.


4 and a half hours and 36 or so miles later, we where back spending the afternoon watching the tour and resting, only 10 or so seconds for Wiggins to be in third.

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