... on today's ride for the others but not me.
We meet up with the Pingu's and Dave at 09.30 and was soon off down the Tourmalet. The new tyres rolled very nice and fast, but I was a bit shy on the downhill for various reasons.
1/ It has been a few days since I last rode Chutney.
2/ I'm on new tyres and not sure how they handled.
3/ I didn't want to over heat the wheels and end up with a p*nct*re.
We arrived in Luz and started to climb out of town towards Gavarnie. And that was the first place I had to pedal and I could feel the left pedal was a bit loose. So I stopped to tighten them up and set off again, only to find that the pedal was still loose so and other stop was due and
this time I used my tools. And keep turning and turning and turning, the thread was dead :(
After a quick call to our tour guide (Peli) and a swap, sun cream for credit cards. The peloton continued up and I was heading back into Luz to meet up Rob from Les Sorbiers, who luckily was heading to town to his local bike shop (LBS).
The brilliant mechanic at Sport Loisirs Diffusion fixed the thread with a new insert*), while we had a "coffee" in a local cafe, thanks.
*) 20.50 euro and he did it right away, even letting Chutney jump the queue. Brilliant service.
Chutney is now resting at home while the "glue" sets. On the way back from the Doctors (LBS) we spotted the Pingus digging into their lunch. And after a quick call from Peli I learned that Dave and Peli had continued to Plateau de Saugue, a steep climb overlooking Gavarnie.
Now I'm at Les Sorbiers waiting for the others to come back from their ride in 32c heat, while I watch the Tour de France.
Tomorrow's menu is a trip up to Hautacam, we have been assured that the other cafe up there WILL be open and we can eat there. And therefore we will not have to repeat last years event.
woollypigs.com was with Grav. woollypigs@mastodon