... and new cleats.
I got a par of Lake I/O's a couple of days ago. Haven't had much time to to try them out yet but they look and feel very good. Good for summer riding, well they say it is going to be a scorchio summer over here this year.
They are light and air flow nicely trough them when you are riding, but when standing still or walking they are as warm as normal shoes (ok London have been blessed with great weather the last few days). The are very comfy to walk in and the cleat is recessed far enough into the shoe so you are not tap dancing when walking on hard surfaces.
I got "picky" knees and if I do not have the right shoe on they will tell me and I have heard nothing from them, so they are good for me. Now I have to see how long they last before they wear down.
I haven't ridden in them for a long distance or up very steep hills yet, but they do feel like they will stay on your foot when you are pulling hard in the pedals.
The cleats took some time to get set the right way, because the old shoes/cleats are very worn down. And the new shoes are different to the old ones so I couldn't do like for like, but that is sorted not. Though I did get some funny looks from the tourists walking by when I was sitting on some office steps fettling with my shoe and allen keys :)
Grav was with by Trilby Media.