map australia upside downWell we have gone and done it, booked our flights to Down Under and The land of the long white cloud :)

So on Wednesday the 29 of September 2010 at 12:20 we will be taking of from London and arriving in Melbourne at 20:00 on Thursday the 30th of September.

We will over the next two and a bit weeks make our way to Brisbane where on Monday the 18th of October at 16:30 we will be flying to Christchurch in New Zealand arriving at 22:55.

In New Zealand we will be touring on the south island for nearly five weeks before we will make our way back to the smoke. On Sunday the 21st of November at 06:35 we will depart Christchurch with a stop over in Sydney and arrive back in Blighty at 05:05 on Monday the 22nd of November.

Boy are we looking forward to this and now need to plan where to go since we now got the tickets.

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