I got some new tyres for the Azub Six, Continental Double Fighter III. They feel a bit more bouncy compared to the Schwalbe Racer's that I have been using. But they got a better grip on gravel and I can't feel a lack of rolling speed either.

I was clicking around on Strava and found a bit of bridle way/single track/forest track that I could turn into a nice 20 odd mile loop. Best of all only one nasty hill and about 200m of busy roads. Else it was on canal towpath or quite country lanes to get there and back.

Only two drops, both due to steep, gravel and wrong line pick. But what is off-road without a drops? Jolly good fun and day out.

Oh I also made a movie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHRCtXFerAo



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