... my seat post snapped.
On my way home today, I stopped at the red light and rested my arms, while looking at the traffic.
A gentleman on his bicycle came up on the inside of me and I turned to see where he was going. And snap the seat post went, lucky I was standing on one foot and therefore didn't fall over.
Though Dirty Pia did fall on my leg and the sharp edge of the seat post hit my leg, before she hit the ground. Not direct on my leg but on my shorts, I'm sure I effect would have been nicer without the shorts as a protective barrier and worth a photo.
So it is only the frame and the forks on Dirty Pia that is from when I got her, everything has either snapped, broken or worn down. She is doing well since she have carried me around for 15 years and I haven't always been a slim 15 stone :)
Irony is that in the post today was a new seat post for our new bike ...
Poor Pia :(
A slim 15 Stone ???
I'm currently a fat 13 stone :-D
Glad you were stopped when it happened, it could have been painful otherwise
woollypigs.com was with Grav. woollypigs@mastodon