After I read Anne's book A Bike Ride, I just had to read one of her other books and got hold of Lone Traveller: One Woman, Two Wheels and the World.
This book is written in the same way as A Bike Ride, very witty and page turning. You get into the book and just can't get away, not that you are looking for a "whodunnit". But because you are eager to learn what's next - not only the touring tips and tricks, but also the history about the location she is touring through.
This book is not really a narrative from start to finish about her second trip around the world. It is split up into parts, each covering what you will encounter en route, such as where to stay, obtaining money and dealing with bureaucracy. One of my favourite chapters is "Men and Other Animals" where she spends a page or so talking about the problems with wild animals and the rest about men. :)
When we are touring we tend to avoid the metropolis and enjoy the countryside, but I still enjoy reading Anne's books. Even though she states that "The country, abroad as in England, has less to offer and I try to avoid it ... My cycling consists of a quick sprint from one city to the next."
But because you are eager to learn what next not only the touring tips and tricks but also the history about the location she is touring through.
This book is not really a narrating story, from start to finish about her second trip around the world. It is split up in parts of what you will encounter as in where to stay, money and bureaucracy. One of my favourite chapters is "Men and Other Animals" where she spend a page or so talking about the problems with wild animals and the rest about men :)
Even though when we are touring we tend to avoid the metropolis and enjoy the country side. I still enjoy reading Anne's books even though she states that "The country, abroad as in England, has less to offer and I try to avoid it ... My cycling consists of a quick sprint from one city to the next."
The other thing that gets me is that she ever eats much, well she does but her lunch is some dried fruits and nuts !!! We need a full square meal and pudding to get us up and over the Gospel Pass in Wales for example.
Again a fantastic read and a must read for any potential cycle tourer. A real feel good book, if she can circumvent the world then that long weekend in Wales is nothing for us. The other thing that gets me is that she ever eats much. Well, she does, but her lunch is often some dried fruits and nuts !!! We need a full square meal and pudding to get us up and over the Gospel Pass in Wales for example. was with Grav. woollypigs@mastodon