Peliroja shows Woollypigs her lumpy bits, Part I

Packing and running about a bit trying to find the very last bits to bring. Manged to get all done and ready 10min before the taxi we ordered arrived. Taxi and coach out to the airport was painless even though we arrived at 1.15am.

I would rather be there early than risk getting there late especially when you have to book in 2 bikes and one suitcase. After a so so "dinner" we tried to get some kip on the bench/chair we had camped out on.

At 4.30am we could do our check in, and it is surprising how fast the airport just fills up with all these zombie-looking people. We even managed to bump into some good friends who were on their way to Bremen :)


6.20am on the dot we took our seats on the plane and as soon as it started to taxi out I was gone to the world, for some reason I always "pass out" during take off. I Only woke up to the lovely sound of MR. O'Learly's airline offering cheap lottery tickets that could win you a million euros!!! We landed to the delightful sound of a fanfare telling us that we had flown with the most on time airline in the world and we had just arrived on time, hurraaaay...!

We were picked up at the airport by daddy peliroja and the drive up to the Pyrenees was very nice although we were wiped out. After a quick greeting and some food we had a well deserved kip.

Click here to read Part II