Cycle Touring long write ups about our cycle tours around the world, from a few days to a whole year and more.

Not the easiest thing to find when you search on a search engine.

Though there is plenty places near by and even one on the outskirts of Ushuaia.

There is a few free/wild campsites (camping municipal) in the Tierra del Fuego National Park and near Rio Pipo. Problally the best looking one, from w...

Adventure Cycle Touring HandbookI met Stephen Lord a few years ago at a event at The Royal Geographical Society in London. We had a good old chat and he let me know about his book, The Adventure Cycle Touring Handbook. At the time, he told me I should hold my horses since the second edition was about to go to print.

This book is...

camping in a rain forestWe didn't do much camping in Australia as we were lucky to have wonderful friends who let us stay at theirs. However, we managed five nights on campsites, caravan parks and in wilder campgrounds run by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

What we found was brilliant service and very clean 'a...

travelling two bike touring basics a free ebookThe TravellingTwo have just written a free eBook about the basic touring.

I have just signed up for their news letter and read their first eBook. It is well written and gives you plenty food for thought even for somewhat seasoned cycle tourer. If you are a newbie to the cycling touring world thi...

**Campsites visited:** [Camp Galeb, Omis, Split]( [Camp Kate, Mlini, Dubrovnik]( [Camp Rogac, Slano, Dubrovnik](
Blacks Octane 3 tent

Description: (From their site) A Blacks Octane 3 technical tunnel tent that is extremely light and has a very compact pack size. Its aerodynamic shape makes it suitable for mountain use at all altitudes as well as backpacking and trekking.

As seen on the blog: Label : Blacks Octane 3