Cycle Touring long write ups about our cycle tours around the world, from a few days to a whole year and more.

Ah, the joy of riding with Peli, makes any ride utterly brilliant. There was fun, sun, smiles, up and down hills, oh and there was cake too. Funny how her legs wakes up - from "naa I don't wanna go riding" to "let's take the long way home" - after a hill :)

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Hobart, via many great places in Tasmania, Devonport.

Highlights: Fires, mountains, "non-crap" bread, hospitality, wombats.

Day 371-372 - Jan 10-11 : Arrived in Taz

walking the beachAfter a long night in the airport we were on autopilot when we picked up the rental car. The rental company told us they didn't h...

Nelson, Christchurch, Abel Tasman Park, Nelson Lakes, Westport, Franz Josef, Haast Pass, Wanaka, Queenstown, Glenorchy

Highlights: Rain, knife making, pancake rocks, limestone arches, lakes and mountains.

Day 333-335 - Dec 3-5 : Meet domestic, the car

We still have a month left to enjoy New Ze...

Wellington, Picton, Ships Cove, Picton, Havelock, Nelson – 201km (Total 7137km cycled)

Highlights: Ferry, warmshowers, mountain biking the Queen Charlotte Track, bays, stunning views, broken hands.

Day 321-324 - November 21-24 : Ferry to the South Island

Queen Charlotte Track

After two days rest up north we took...


Hot Water Beach, Tauranga, Rotorua, Taupo, National Park, Pipiriki, Wanganui - 414km (Total 6895km cycled)

Highlights: Active volcanoes, ice cream, wonderful hospitality, hot mineral pools, rainforests.

Day 309 - November 9 : Bus ride from hell

We had booked a bus to Tauranga to gain a...


Auckland, Thames, Coromandel, Whitianga, Cathedral Cove, Hot Water Beach - 362km (Total 6481km cycled)

Highlights : Wild camping in Auckland, tailwinds, stunning views, new friends, hot water beaches and getting reacquainted with ripio!

Day 309 - October 31 : Leaving Auckland again


imageAuckland, Helensville, Dargaville, Whangarei, Russell, Doubtless Bay, Kaitaia - 569km (Total 6119km cycled)

Highlights: Back in New Zealand, cycling with friends, Boysenberry ice cream, beautiful views and surprisingly good driving from lorries.

Day 293-295 - October 15-17 : Back in NZ

After b...

seattleSeattle - Aberdeen (via San Juan islands) - 1046Km (Total 5550km cycled)

Highlights: Beautiful weather, beautiful views, beautiful orcas and beautiful sunsets. A reminder of the joys of cycle touring!

Day 233 - August 30 : Train to Seattle

The Amtrak Cascades railway route is one of the very f...

usa train santa feSanta Barbara - Santa Fe - 65Km (Total 4570km cycled)

Highlights : Train ride, great warmshowers hosts, Wiggos Gold in the Olympics, New Mexico green chilli, brilliant emergency staff.

Day 199-201 – July 25-27 : Train ride

We left Santa Barbara on the train towards Los Angeles, where we had a...

fourth july cup cakeThe Bay Area - Santa Barbara - 671Km (Total 4506km cycled)

Highlights : 4 July picnic, yacf pootle, more cake, finishing our Pacific Coast adventure, Sea Elephants, another great warmshowers host, Tour de France.

Day 179-180 - July 5-6 : Moving friends

We left the Bay Area after a fantastic fo...

cycle touring California golden gate bridge San Francisco Crescent City – San Francisco – 809Km (Total 3835km cycled) Highlights: Redwoods, bbq, sunshine, California Coast, Golden Gate Bridge and friends.

Day 155 - June 11 : California Über Alles

Nature called for Peli to exit the tent in the early morning and she spotted the speedy girls already up a...

keep portland weirdPortland to Portland - 129Km (Total 2248km cycled)

Highlights: FOOD, climbing Dog Mountain, wonderful warmshowers hosts, peanut butter, roses, Voodoo doughnuts, bicycles, four-legged companions, liberal lefties, making friends with Elo!

Day 127 – May 14 : Food galore

After a long flight from B...

Buenos Aries -135Km (Total 2119km cycled)

Highlights: Warmshowers, America Embassy, Masa Criteria.

Day 111-127 – April 28 - May 14 : Changing plans
The last few weeks in southern Chile and Argentina have shown us that winter is fast approaching: lots of rain and often very frosty, humid n...

San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa Traful, San Martin de los Andes -205Km (Total 1984km cycled)

Highlights: Chocolate, Crema de Mani ice cream, Le Tandem, lakes, ash and volcanoes.

on the way to villa traful

To see more photos click here to go to our gallery : Ruta de los Siete Lagos

Day 105-106 - April 22-23 : Pe...

Coyhaique, Villa Manihuales, Puerto Puyuhuapi, La Junta, Villa Saint Lucia, Chaiten, Puerto Montt – 263km (Total 1734km cycled)

Highlights: Very cold rain, well-deserved tarmac, long rides, Casa de Ciclistas, message in the sand from the French tandem, free camping and a warm bed.

Click here to ...

Cochrane, Puerto Tranquilo, Villa Cerro Castillo, Coyhaique - 220km (Total 1343Km cycled)

Highlights: Very rough 'corrugated' ripio, great weather, tailwinds, beautiful long climb and descent, no broken spokes, hitting tarmac again, and mislaying - then finding - another pannier!

Click her...

Villa o'Higgins, Puerto Yungay, Cochrane - 220km (Total 1016Km cycled

Highlights: Stunning views, tough hills, our first 1000km, hot water and hospitality from Manuel from the ferry.

Click here to see photos from our cycle tour on La Carretera Austral

camping chile Cycle Touring pootles wild camping

Puerto Natales, Torres del Paine, Puerto Natales 8km (Total 705Km cycled)

Highlights: Rain, snow, hail, wind, stunning views of Los Cuernos in Torres del Paine, Peli's pannier plays hide and seek and a flying overtake by my red pannier.

Click here to see our photos from our cycle tour in P...

Porvenir, Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales 30th Jan - 4th Feb 2012. 60Km (Total 690Km cycled)

Highlights: Steak, wind, broken spokes, veggie curry, cake and meeting other cycle tourers.

Click here to see our photos from our cycle tour in Patagonia

Hospedaje Independencia

Day 22,23,24 and 25: 31th Jan. to the 2nd ...

Rio Grande, Bellavista, Cameron, Porvenir 21/01/2012 - 30/01/2012. 322Km (Total 619Km cycled)

Highlights: leaving Rio Grande, the flight of the condors, wind, guanacos, Chilean border crossing, wind, illegal garlic, epic night-riding, wind, never-ending ripio, wild camping, and did we mentio...

There is cake at the end of the world, Ma!While in Buenos Aires we got an email from our very good friend Emily, who should be in Iran as I type this, on her around-the-world tour. She let us know that a friend of hers would be in Ushuaia at the same time as we'd be there.

So, we hooked up with Angela, a lovely and very inspiring lady, an...

cycling manifold trail peak districtWe have just spent four days in the Peak District in the north of England, pootling about and enjoying the views. And, of course, sampling some excellent cake.

Last year we "raced" through the Peaks up and over the hills and down into and up out of the valleys. This part of the world is rather lum... had a bit of unfinished business to do with touring with our friends Peter and Janet, aka the Wowbaggers.

We planned to do a weekend tour and were looking for a place to go. Last weekend Peli and Mr. Wow were out pootling and spotted a nice site for a bit of camping. So plans were afoot, and we...

More wind, single track offroading, history, visit to Germany, two utterly brilliant campsites and even a song from Peli.


As normal my folks' B&B trumped any other. We left with full stomachs following a lovely breakfast on the terrace. With a light lunch packed we headed toward the...

being silly in cphSandwich, sun, rolling hills, good company but missing two, the wind that became mountains and mum's yummy home made ice cream


Gus arrived on the dot of nine thirty and we had a good old natter before we had to part company with the Wowbaggers, with a tear in our eye. Fem cyklister b...