Portland - Astoria - Brookings - 778Km (Total 3026km cycled)
Highlights: Rain, cheese, orca whales and, most importantly, being on the road again!
Day 141 – May 28 : Leaving Portland
True to form, we left late from Portland because we were chatting to our hosts Paul, Lena and Elo and couldn't...
Portland to Portland - 129Km (Total 2248km cycled)
Highlights: FOOD, climbing Dog Mountain, wonderful warmshowers hosts, peanut butter, roses, Voodoo doughnuts, bicycles, four-legged companions, liberal lefties, making friends with Elo!
Day 127 – May 14 : Food galore
After a long flight from B...
woollypigs.com was with Grav. woollypigs@mastodon