Cycle Touring long write ups about our cycle tours around the world, from a few days to a whole year and more.

Puerto Natales, 0km (Total 705Km cycled)

Highlights: Sunny, no wind, steak, lentil stew, waiting, more lentil stew, more waiting, cake swapping and finding out that our tent is a godsend and pancakes.

camping pancakes

Click here to see our photos from our trip in Patagonia

Day 33-45: 11th - 22nd Februa...

Rio Grande, Bellavista, Cameron, Porvenir 21/01/2012 - 30/01/2012. 322Km (Total 619Km cycled)

Highlights: leaving Rio Grande, the flight of the condors, wind, guanacos, Chilean border crossing, wind, illegal garlic, epic night-riding, wind, never-ending ripio, wild camping, and did we mentio...

Ushuaia - Tolhuin - Rio Grande, 14/01/2012 - 17/01/2012. 297Km (Total 297Km cycled)

Highlights: great views over Ushuaia as we left; our first passport control; wild camping and tasty camp food; meeting other cycle tourists heading south on the last leg of their journeys; heeding warnings ab...