Cycle Touring long write ups about our cycle tours around the world, from a few days to a whole year and more.

There is cake at the end of the world, Ma!While in Buenos Aires we got an email from our very good friend Emily, who should be in Iran as I type this, on her around-the-world tour. She let us know that a friend of hers would be in Ushuaia at the same time as we'd be there.

So, we hooked up with Angela, a lovely and very inspiring lady, an...

Not the easiest thing to find when you search on a search engine.

Though there is plenty places near by and even one on the outskirts of Ushuaia.

There is a few free/wild campsites (camping municipal) in the Tierra del Fuego National Park and near Rio Pipo. Problally the best looking one, from w...

We arrived at the airport with plenty of spare time thanks to the help - in the form of a chauffeur to Gatwick - of our good friends.

We needed that extra time to get my massive bike box (large as it's also containing the Extrawheel trailer) through the security checks since it would be too big fo... had a bit of unfinished business to do with touring with our friends Peter and Janet, aka the Wowbaggers.

We planned to do a weekend tour and were looking for a place to go. Last weekend Peli and Mr. Wow were out pootling and spotted a nice site for a bit of camping. So plans were afoot, and we...

We 'camped wild' when we've failed to find a campsite for the night, to save money and when we have found a lovely spot to just relax for the night.

We haven’t wild camped much yet and are naturally still a bit nervous when we pitch up, Peli more than me. Of course, we do not want to tread on some...

wild camping in new zealandLate arrival into Christchurch and "Jail" time, earthquake aftershock, very strong head winds and absolutely stunning views. Made these five first days a fantastic start to our stay in New Zealand.

Day one : 19/10/10

Because of our delayed flight we arrived in New Zealand just before 3am. At the...

We are planing to fly down to Dubrovnik and then cycle up to just north of Split to a town called Trogir along the coast, as our dry run in September for a week.

Though the tent will be tested out next weekend, and we will be doing a few S240's before hand to test out the bikes, panniers and mats....