Pootles short write ups about short rides

It would be fun, she said.

And it was!

First spin out for eons with Peli, various reason have delayed this joy. We got about 25min into our pootle and then the sky opened up, roads turned into rivers in less than a few minutes. Glad it was a summer storm so we were just wet and not cold.


A quick spin out before the light got too dark, that is why the quality of the video ain't the best. Great fun, rough some of the old Roman Road was a bit too rough for a 20" front wheel.

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Oh I also made a movie : https://www.youtube...

I got some new tyres for the Azub Six, Continental Double Fighter III. They feel a bit more bouncy compared to the Schwalbe Racer's that I have been using. But they got a better grip on gravel and I can't feel a lack of rolling speed either.

I was clicking around on Strava and found a bit of bridl...