map australia upside downThe time has come. We are now both off on holiday, just waiting until we need to head out to the airport to fly down under. We are rather well prepared this time around.

A few bits still need to be done in the flat, on the bicycles and the last bit of packing. A rant about how airlines don’t tell you about excess luggage charges is brewing nicely. But that is something you’ll have to wait for until we get back in two months and have endured over three days of flying.

Yes I know it is not very 10:10 of me of flying around the world, but hey we commute on our bicycles every day and are taking our cycles with us, so I know that our CO2 quota is ok.

Anywho we are flying out to Australia to visit some friends in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. We will go do some cycle touring there, where we will go is not sure yet. Between our friends we will drive for a few days and get to see the countryside and hopefully get to do a bit of cycling there.

The main cycling will happen in New Zealand where we will have a month on the south island. Route is still a open ended route, got some places we would like to see and a route idea. One of the friends we are staying and touring with has just been over there, so we will get some great pointers.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, waiting for it all to start. It’s been a long wait and it is hard to get our head around that it is only two days away.

In Australia we will have access to the internet more than in New Zealand, I will try to update the blog now and again and do a twit now and again just to let you know that we are alive. 🙂

Now the question is… have we packed what we need, how is the weather, have we forgotten something and where is my passport?!

7 thoughts on “Gone Walkabout”
  1. >> have we packed what we need – You’ve forgotten that thing you absolutely need in three week’s time, it has slid down the back of the fridge.

    >> how is the weather – There will be weather, fear not. What can be bad about that?

    >> have we forgotten something – For sure, you’ve been preparing far too much

    >> and where is my passport?! – Hiding until you find it 30 minutes before you leave, when you discover you should have renewed it 6 months ago.

    Have a great time, both.

    1. Good points there, Ham. Though if we need it we can buy it and if don’t need it it is stored nicely at home. As for the passport I sorted that out 4 months ago and it is on me person all ready 🙂

  2. Hey Hummer and Peli, have a great fun there. Find a house and i will come with Vani, Emma and Gaia 🙂

    Feel free to contact me if you need help, in what you need 🙂
    have fun 🙂

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