torchwood shineWell the trip to Cardiff went well and I spent some time in the tourist trap that is Cardiff bay before I went to a pub for a quiet pint.

I met up with Peli at the station and after some delay and faffing around with the platforms we were on our way. Arrived in Abergavenny and made our way to the campsite. Pen-y-dre is a nice little site attached to the farm, but located right next to the busy A486 and the local road. Which made it a noisy night. Though that wasn’t the biggest problem, while pitching the tent I suddenly realised that I hadn’t packed my sleeping mat. So the night was spent listening to traffic fighting over space on our only mat.
Llanthony prioryThe next morning we started of at 9:30’ish and headed for Hay-on-Wye over the Gospel Pass. Stunning weather made the journey. We passed the Llanthony priory which was started by two hermits back in 1108.

The Gospel Pass isn’t that bad but fully loaded and not in peak touring condition we found it hard. And the ice cream at the top was a nice treat that hit the spot. We even spotted some snow on Lord Hereford’s Knob.

Gospel Pass
Gospel Pass

And then it was pretty much down hill into Hay. Though I did have a little scare when my bicycle only wanted to gear up. Not sure what caused it but I was a tad worried that I would be stuck with the front dérailleur for the rest of the tour. I got a funny feeling that it is a frayed cable but a little fettling in Hay it was back to normal.

Pub lunchI had steak and ale pie for lunch and Peli had a pizza. For some reason I really do think that Hay-on-Wye is the place to buy books, just don’t know why.

We went into the outdoor store to get a new mat for me. Just a simple terma mat with memory foam, no were near as good a my Exped DownMats. But it will teach me and stop the fighting for space the next two nights.

Heading out of Hay towards Painscastle we quickly learned why it was called Painscastle as we had picked the “scenic” route to Hundred House. Hill after hill rolled by and drained our legs. But it was well worth it as the view was beautiful and weather sunny.

It is the second time we are staying at Fforest Fields and both times we have arrived there totally knackered. But this time the weather made our stay so much better.
Looking back towards Gospel Pass
The roads compared to last time we where in Wales was more potholey, because the snow over last winter. But still in quite good nick compared to what we are used to in London.

After two portions of Pasta’n’sause we are now curled up in our tent after a great day cycling in the Brecon Beacons, Black Mountains in Wales.

Day 1: The road have gone pots
Day 2: What goes down must go up
Day 3: Into the wind
Photos : Click her to see all the photos
Route : Click here to see the route

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