map australia upside downGood news our dream is now so much closer that it is getting a bit scary. We have talked about going Australia and New Zealand for a while and this week we got the ok for taking some time off. So we are looking into flights – do we go with one or more stops, route – where the heck are we going and what is there to see and then there is the visas etc.

So we are heading down under in late September or early October for eight weeks of cycle touring. The plan at the moment is three or so weeks in Oz and the rest in NZ on the south island. In Australia we are planing to visit friends in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane just need to figure out in what order and what else to see. Then fly over to New Zealand where the cycle touring starts in ernest.

So we better get used to how they talk down there and this click from the mighty Monty Python’s is a good start me things 🙂

Any advice – on what to bring, where to go, what to see and of course what to EAT ! That last bit might be a problem for Peli since they do like their meat on a barbeque. I remember that from when I last was in Australia in ’93, feck me am I that old !

6 thoughts on “G’day mate”
  1. I’m pretty biased, but I’d say the East coast (Victoria, New South Wales etc) is over rated. Come and visit Western Australia. BIIIIG open spaces, relatively sparse population, tall timber, big wide open beaches and enough sunburnt expat poms to threaten the fly population during summer an make you more than feel at home 😀 😀 Nah nah… just jokes. If you’re already on the East coast and fitting it with New Zealand, W.A. would almost be a quarter of the way back to Ol’ Blighty and a bit of a seismic blip to the itinerary.

  2. you have to book all your flights at once, they have a travel planner online. is good for internal flights if you just get a flight to oz. internal flights can be pretty cheap, esp if travelling outside of holidays

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