solar light powered base ball capI saw this one a year so ago and thought it would be a great gimmick. But since I’m now spending much time outdoors either cycling touring or working and above all needed a new cap anyway, I went for it.

What this base ball cap have is a solar panel and two lights (LED) build into the brim of the cap. So while you are wearing it doing the day it charges and you can then use light in at night. The light is not pointed forward it is pointed right where you need it e.g. right where you need the light while doing some fettling our bicycle or reading a book.

You can control the strength of the light by pressing and holding the button, dimmer mode. It have a build in flashing mode to send an S.O.S signal and also a strobe, as they state “its a great bit of party kit”.

Since I have only used it for a few days I can’t give a full review, though I soon got used to the heavier brim. The one I got is the Street version (SLC 510) and it fits nicely onto my big head, quite often base ball caps sits high on my head, this one doesn’t.

I know this hat/cap will come in handy while camping or doing the odd DIY in the dark. Though I’m also hoping that I could use it as an extra light while out cycling at night. Yes it is not bright enough and is pointing the wrong way but as an added visual aid. The LED are quite bright, so I’m sure it will be seen a fair bit away. From the simple test I have done, it does look like it is pointed in the right direction for when I’m looking back over my shoulder. And therefore road users behind me will spot me much easier.

2C Solarlight reckons that a fully charged base ball cap will last 36 Hours on low setting, 2 to 4 hours on full power, 4-8 hours on full power SOS mode. Which is pretty good for such little solar panel and battery pack. The cap should last around 3 years normal use which is again not bad for £25.

The best part is that I now have one less thing to worry about when it comes to batteries and charging. Because if this one works as well as it says on the net and early test shows me. I do not have to carry my head torch while camping as I got light with everywhere with this hat.


Fits nicely onto a big head, feels like it is good quality and hey it saves you a bit on the charging the batteries for your head torch.
Link : 2C Solar light cap

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