… error of 6 million and change.

At the Stansted Airport we found out that my printer had given up, and only printed the part it wanted and not the bar code, on my quick tickets or whatever you call them, but all was fine on Peli’s going out one. But a quick queue jumping we got a new boarding card for me and off we went tru’ the security.

We arrived in Pau to find Rachel from Les Sorbiers who took Peli and her sister and me back to Bareges. Coming from London this place was very scorchio, even with the windows open in the mini bus it was like sitting with a hair dryer in your face.

On the route back we went by a LBS to get some energy drink since we had forgotten, well just not organised ourselves. We got 2 pots of Overstims, Hydrixier in ‘the-peche’ and ‘fruits rouges’ flavours.

The grand total came to 6.235.476,43 euros.

Erm, said the lady behind the counter. ‘Je crois que la machine a chaud’. I think the machine is a bit hot. A little fettling with the machine and we got the right total.

Arrived in Bareges to find Dave still about and there was a little talk about doing the Tourmalet that afternoon. But after we got settled in the apartment, we just wanted to have a kip before dinner, though Dave did give it a go.

En route to Les Sorbiers for dinner, I was greeted by Mrs Pingu and Pingu who were resting over a pression in the sun.


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